Friday, August 6, 2010

#1 "Expectations" - Olivia

 So here's the deal.

To put it simply, perhaps too simply, my father and I are different.

You can pocket that for your own interpretation. 

Different can hold a handful of meanings.  For example, it can mean 'separate', as in "On two different occasions, I swear I caught my father voluntarily listening to Miley Cyrus." 

It can also mean 'new', or 'changed'. Such as, "Once my mom wanted to do something different for dinner, so she purchased pounds and pounds and pounds of dry meat substitute TVP."  (That will probably show up in some post relating to horrific childhood memories... )

Additionally, different can mean 'unusual' or tactful for 'downright weird'.  "Why yes, Dad, your gypsy vest certainly is ... different*."

Different, as far as I'm concerned, is an just an observation describing things unalike.  My dad and I will probably slip just as comfortably into any of the aforementioned definitions throughout the life of this blog, but we think it is our distinct differences that will make this blog interesting.

I mean, if you were to create a Venn diagram of things my father and I believe, you may be surprised by what would straddle our different circles. But frankly, I think you'd be even more surprised by what we don't share.

 We don't share a love for Disney World, for example.

Despite my sincerest efforts in describing the magnitude and glory that is Disney World: the castles, the rides, the sheer attention to detail, the magic, he won't bite.  He's just not impressed.  He doesn't believe in it.

And really, that's ok.

At the end of the day, I don't need my dad to love, appreciate, or believe in everything I do.  There are better reasons to love someone.

There are many things my father and I may never see eye to eye on, but it certainly makes things interesting, doesn't it? 

Different is fine by me.  Besides, as much as it separates us, as long as we're both different, we've both got something to share.  And we hope you'll be open to both of us. 

So I say, on with this!  Let the games begin!  Let's get this show on the road, let's lock and load, and let's rock and roll. 

And for my fathers generation:  Now for something completely different. 

* When talking to my sister, I've learned to interpret "That's different" as shorthand for "Yikes.  Under what conditions, however bleak, were you persuaded into thinking that shirt/food item/band/purchase/cosmetic surgery/pet choice was a good idea?"


  1. Let it begin!! I love you both

  2. Ok - that picture with the Teletubbies is just creepy! What a cool project! Laura and I will definitely be regular followers!

  3. I will for sure be following! This is awesome, I can totally see you saying all those things in the exact tone you would say them. Ha ha Hilarious


Don and Olivia encourage readers to say whatever they want about the weekly topics addressed in Father/Daughter. Keep in mind that random, profane, or offensive comments will probably be deleted pretty quickly.